We love God. We believe in God.
We love God. We believe in God.
Who We Are
The Emmaus Seventh-day Adventist Church is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. Our church stretches beyond the four walls, and the community is our congregation. We serve in Flatbush, Brooklyn , NY and its surrounding neighborhoods. Through prayer, the word, love, and service, we connect our church and community to Christ. When you come to The Emmaus SDA Church, you can expect to be welcomed into a friendly, positive environment by people who are genuinely glad to see you. We meet every Saturday for Bible Lesson Study at 9:30am and for Worship at 11am. "Where We Walk And Talk With Jesus"

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Our Church History
In July 1980, the Spirit of God moved on the hearts and minds of the lay activity team of the Hanson Place Seventh-day Adventist Church to start a new church. The team members were Elders Louis Straker, Sidney Williams, Cameron Bowen, and Willy Oliver (World Pathfinder Director and Family Life Director), and a crusade was launched. They summoned the renowned Evangelist Fitzroy Maitland (Pat as he is known by many) who, after pitching his tent at the corner of Avenue D and Bedford Avenue, ventured out with vigor and vitality. He preached with such power and clarity from God’s word that many people hearing these soul-stirring messages and songs of praise gave their lives over to the Lord. Baptism was held at the end of three weeks and more than thirty souls were baptized. As the crusade continued more and more people gave themselves to God and at the conclusion of the meetings a total of ninety precious souls gave their hearts to God. now had a new challenge a place to house these new members. Through Hanson Place ChurchThe to prayer, the Lord lead them to a storefront at the corner of Vandeveer Place and Flatbush Avenue, address 1157 Flatbush Avenue thus a mission was started.